Le mercredi, 4 déc 2002, à 21:40 Europe/Paris, Martin Nilsson (hehe Torgny) @ Pike (-) developers forum a écrit :
The module _Roxen has the following methods
make_http_headers http_decode_string html_encode_string HeaderParser
and the module Parser has
decode_numeric_xml_entity encode_html_entities parse_html_entities
and the module Protcols.HTTP has
http_encode_query unentity http_encode_cookie http_encode_string
and the module Protocols.HTTP.Server has
I'd say that the problem is to unify/generalize this, make sure that their implementations are fast and correct and present them for the user on a good place. I don't think that this is something that should be done now.
Humm... Also maybe document that as well... I can't figure why _Roxen module is not on autodocs.. (Did I miss something inside the source ?).