On 30 Oct 2016, at 23:15 , Chris Angelico rosuav@gmail.com wrote:
Turns out, I haven't been seeing all the messages on this list :( Sorry all! This change has been reverted.
The LysKOM bridge is broken again. Asking whomever it may concern: can it be fixed reliably or should everyone be forced to use the mailing list instead? ;)
New proposal: MIME.decode_words_text_remapped is the single most obvious way to decode a Subject header (among others), but that's really not obvious from the docs. Can we somehow make that more discoverable? I ended up implementing my own version of that (tediously and buggily [1]), then wanting to fold that into core so other people don't.
Copy+paste of Marcus Comstedt’s reply in LysKOM:
"It would probably make sense to link to decode_words_text and decode_words_tokenized from the entries for MIME.parse_headers and MIME.Message->headers. The various specializations (including _mapped) are then cross-linked from there.”