Well, that’s a major change from long standing functionality. Making a change like that in a wholesale fashion represents a backward compatibility and/or possible stability issue. The shuffler isn’t a free ride (and I’m not sure that your assertions are always true, based on my recollections when we implemented its use in Caudium), so it shouldn’t the default mode of operation.
I also don’t think the fact that a Backend has been specified should be the trigger to use the Shuffler. See my previous comment about backward compatibility and stability.
The request class to use is easily specified when creating a Protocols.HTTP.Server so I don’t see the need to risk breaking code in the wild by modifying the default Request class.
On Jun 13, 2019, at 12:27 PM, Stephen R. van den Berg srb@cuci.nl wrote:
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
H William Welliver III wrote:
I have code that uses the shuffler, and caudium uses it, but I would not make its use mandatory as there are resource implications that probably should be up to the individual user to chose to employ (threading, memory, etc).
The use in HTTP.Server.Request would be optional, hinging on defining a backend to use or not. If you do not specify a backend, it will work as before.
On second thought... If you even get to the point that you want to use Protocol.HTTP.Server.Request, you already have a backend running. It does not need extra threading, it uses less memory than without the Shuffler, so what reason would there be not to use it in Protocol.HTTP.Server.Request always? -- Stephen.