Hello there,
I wanted to drop a note that recent thread about IPv6 support and Pike, has a bad result (for me, for all the rest of Pike devel team I dunno).
Marek has decided he will stop to commit, submit patches and even participate in pike development, he removed all his mails from all Pike related mailing lists (pike / pike-devel / roxen) and will only maintaint debian pike package.
Everybody here may think about that. Not the fact that some good pike developper goes away, but the fact that the Pike Community (sic) is maybe (personnaly I am allmost sure) too mutch elitist maybe no soo opened as it claims to.
What is the main problem with Pike : too small community, too less documentation, too mutch skill is needed to join into it.
Why do I say that : I discovered Spinner in early 96.... I took 6 years to under some Pike coding and how to make some C modules. On others languages (says Perl, Python, ...) it is far more easy to get a good skill in months instead of years......
Why we can't promote Pike ? - lack of docs - too mutch obscure things - sometimes compatibilty is not really compatibility - it is NOT embeddable.... (so we can't make a mod_pike for apache).
I am allmost fed up myself with some behavior of Pike people... that I have decided to make my own things in my projects instead of giving my code to Pike community (eg some of this code are now in _Caudium module inside Caudium 1.3).... You can say it is sad, but when I send messages to pike devel ml some of them are thrashed, others are ignored or flammed.
Now Pike Community loose one of their member.... Maybe others members can come RSN....