On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 10:50:02AM +0200, Johan Sundström (risplockare) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
I can of course not speak for Hedda, but I agree about the design decision.
it is not a design decision, it is a bug!
People who want to send text to the mail-list too have to comment the text in the Pike Devel Lyskom-conference.
but it's not their choice to make.
It is too. The typical cc message in LysKOM is just an indication that the author changes topic to something that does not belong in the conference (and by inference on the list). Adding a cc to the old recipient is to help people who are not part of the other conference see that the thread continues elsewhere and give them a chance to enter/subscribe to that conference to see the rest of the thread, from there on.
yes, but how is it helping those who read the conference through the list?
Exporting all of LysKOM would be futile, and generally make a mess of the list.
i disagree, what you are saying here is that you do not care about the list, and make it a second class citizen. this is NOT nice. i do not want to be a second class citizen.
If you are interested in off topic discussions you are of course invited to join LysKOM using a regular LysKOM client.
NO! i won't. not at least until the current client situation is fixed.
everywhere in the world people use email to communicate. you want to reach the world, but you refuse to communicate on their level. this attitude seems to be the same that has been with pike and roxen all the time. you keep wondering why people feel it's so hard to contribute, and then it turns out it's only because you are not listening to them. you seem to expect them to come to you all the way. (yes i am exxagerating now, i just want to bring this point accross, i won't go on with it)
you guys all read lyskom, and many of you only pay half attention to mails. i can understand that, i read mails and i don't have the resources to watch different clients for new messages. i need every and all messages to arrive in one single place. my mailbox (yes i am sorting in folders, but i have a log to watch all incoming stuff).
i read slashdot by mail, debian weekly news...
i do not want to have to know multiple different syntaxes to read messages, if there was a lyskom client that could read mail too i would use it, because it would provide one place to read all my messages. they are messages after all, all the same semantics apply,
you expect me to contribute to the project, and i expect you to treat me as an equal citizen like everyone else. it is not nice that people have to go out of their way to be able to contribute.
greetings, martin.