a) because that's the way objective c works, and any workaround it would be clumsy. each class has multiple methods (often object factories) that need to be supported. it's not something that is only used occasionally, i'd be hard pressed to name a class in Objective C that doesn't have class methods. NSString, for instance, has over a dozen of them.
b) it would be difficult to impossible to allow reliable subclassing of objects if the class methods are in a separate location from the instance methods.
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Martin [iso-8859-1] Bähr wrote:
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 01:39:18PM -0400, Bill Welliver wrote:
not if the semantics you need are that the method is available from a program.
why do you need that semantic? i didn't get that.
greetings, martin.