I'd like to see what variable/lookup were used in the source code to find the function (as well). That would make it even easier to debug... :)
Ie, _Image_JPEG.decode if you used _Image_JPEG.decode, Image.JPEG.decode if you used that, master()->resolve("Image")["JPEG"]->decode if you used that. :)
But I guess that's out of the question... :)
/ Mirar
Previous text:
2003-01-05 13:04: Subject: Too many arguments
- One should not need to state the function name in every error call.
It must be available somewhere for the error handling to read straight out. Not only would this save memory, it would also save us from having alarm() say "Too few arguments to signame()". Having the error handling take care of this also ensures that the name of the failing function is printed out at all.
Unfortunately, it is quite common that the canonical name and the "real" name are different. I would much rather the error message said wrong number of arguments to Image.JPEG.decode than _Image_JPEG.decode (Not sure if this particular example is correct, but you get the point..)
/ Fredrik (Naranek) Hubinette (Real Build Master)