The core modules are either built with a pike glue file, or if one isn't provided, a two line glue file is automatically generated. /.../
Sorry, but that's not correct. You must be looking at a pike built with static modules. They get a glue file to appear in the right spot in the namespace, but dynamic ones don't need that.
True, and something that I shouldn't have let slip. It was copied from somewhere within the pike tree, so somewhere there's a testsuite that has behavior that might not be so good test-wise. /.../
Some of the standard modules, e.g. Gmp, do that because they are optional, so the main testsuite still works when they are disabled. But that doesn't apply to third party modules.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-11-10 23:52: Subject: Re: pike external module documentation
Thanks for the feedback... I will try to get the changes you suggested incorporated.
Is it possible to build the docs for the module only, without merging it with the system docs?
I hadn't thought of this, but it should be possible, though right now the build assumes the modref would be installed in the system documentation directory pikedir/docs/modref. Again, this should be relatively simple to accomplish.
What about pike only modules? Should be trivial, but it'd still be nice if they too are covered by the standard tools so that they can be handled the same way. Maybe it works to provide a standard Makefile for that case, so that not even autoconf is required.
I checked some changes in about 2 weeks ago that should fix this. I've actually been testing on a pike-only module, and it seems to work just fine with a copy of pike from CVS.
Doesn't work for modules with no pike layer. Also, the check works better if it's a file which is very specific for the module.
That choice of filename was really just a suggestion; I assumed that the text following it would clarify that it would be wise to choose a relatively unique filename (i think i wrote that; but will check.)
Btw, you seem to assume that there always should be a pike glue file like that. Is it really necessary?
The core modules are either built with a pike glue file, or if one isn't provided, a two line glue file is automatically generated. I was merely following convention; whether it's a good or necessary convention I'll leave to others.
It should be enough with "VPATH=@srcdir@". (A while ago I cleaned up a lot of vpaths like that in the module tree - seems to have been a bad case of cut'n'paste back to very old code.)
I probably had that source file for a while, so i will fix this.
A bit odd example. In the testsuite for a specific module, isn't it better to assume it exists? If there has been some major problem so that the module isn't installed at all, one wouldn't expect it to silently pass the testsuite.
True, and something that I shouldn't have let slip. It was copied from somewhere within the pike tree, so somewhere there's a testsuite that has behavior that might not be so good test-wise. I was mostly interested in getting the framework together. I agree that I might have picked a better set of tests, but was in a bit of a hurry when i did it. It actually might be nice for someone with actual knowledge of the testsuite system to put together a few paragraphs about it.
/ Brevbäraren