I found some strange behaviour using async_connect when connecting to unbound ports on localhost. The callback is never called. Try something like this:
void cb(mixed ... args) { write("cb: %O\n", args); }
int main () { object o = Stdio.File();
o->async_connect("", 3245, cb); return -1; }
A reason I found for that (not sure if there are more issues, it fixes this problem though) is that
1) in __stdio_close_callback() read(0,1) is used to check if data can be read from the socket instead of peek(). 2) file_peek() does not check for POLLERR or POLLHUP and therefore returns true even if the socket has been closed or some error occured
using peek() instead of read(0,1) in __stdio_close_callback() and adding
}else if (fds.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)){
to file_peek() fixed this issue for me.
The same problem may occur when using select() in file_peek(), I did not test that though.