I've taken another look now and downloaded a copy to take a look at it. It has some drawbacks:
1. It's all Java and Regexps. We'll need a new modern computer with some horsepower to run this. Not a showstopper per see.
2. It's running Java Server Pages in it's own webserver. I have nothing but bad experiences with JSP in Tomcat/Apache, but it is concievable that it might work better in their solution as it is all Java. Showstopper if I'm going to administer it.
3. There is no source. We can't change it unless we decompile it. Showstopper for me.
4. I won't agree to the NDA. It's not to horrid, but it forbids reverse engineering. See 3. Showstopper for me.
Since I won't agree to the license I can't evaluate it any further.