H. William Welliver III wrote:
Making a change like that in a wholesale fashion represents a backward compatibility and/or possible stability issue.
That's why I'm not backporting that change to Pike 8.0.
The shuffler isn???t a free ride (and I???m not sure that your assertions are always true, based on my recollections when we implemented its use in Caudium), so it shouldn???t the default mode of operation.
Well, yes, these assertions were not always true before, but I assumed them to be true, and after committing the necessary fixes to the Shuffler recently, they now *are* true.
I also don???t think the fact that a Backend has been specified should be the trigger to use the Shuffler. See my previous comment about backward compatibility and stability.
If the updated HTTP.Server.Request is not backward compatible, it's a bug and needs to be fixed. AFAICS, it is backward compatible as committed, but I'll happily accept any bugreports.
I implemented a mini-webserver which does on-the-fly compression using a backend running on multiple CPU cores (still have to test if this actually allows me to use significantly more than 100% CPU from Pike).
It works roughly like this:
I'm answering a single GET request, but the answer is the concatenation of an uncompressed file, some pike program uncompressed text output, and a precompressed file:
uncompressed file1 --> ShufflerA --> Gz.Pipe.Compress --------> \ uncompressed program output --> ShufflerB -> Gz.Pipe.Compress -> ---> ShufflerC compressed file2 ---------------------------------------------> /
--> ShufflerC --> chunked transfer encoding --> socket
The request class to use is easily specified when creating a Protocols.HTTP.Server so I don???t see the need to risk breaking code in the wild by modifying the default Request class.
Because there would be a lot of code duplication and it speeds up and lowers the memory footprint for code using the 8.1 version.
It's not that the Request class is supercomplicated. The code is relatively straightforward, so it should be easy to fix if anything comes up.