On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:30:02PM -0400, Martin Nilsson (ja till euro, nej till cent) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
And we don't want to be in a "SCO vs. the world" situation one day.
What is wrong if I keep the copyright but license the code under GPL/MPL/LGPL? That is the problem of SCO, btw - since they distributed Linux they cannot claim that this was illegal.
I only want to be sure that I still can use my code as I wish, where I wish and under conditions that I wish; and I want to be credited as the author if my contribution is significant. If I license the code to IDA, I give them right to do whatever they want, but I don't want to give them right to claim that this is _their own_ code. That's all.
Regards, /Al