Right. You found the answer on your own. :-)
/ Per Hedbor ()
Previous text:
2003-01-10 11:03: Subject: Signal callbacks - wtf?!
Ok, this is entirely weird. I have code that does:
#ifdef TEST_SAVE object g = PGallery.Gallery(); g->add_directory("/home/neotron/gallery/src/xmas2001"); g->add_directory("/home/neotron/gallery/src/mixed2002"); Stdio.write_file("gallery.pgs", encode_value(g, master()->Codec())); #else object g = decode_value(Stdio.read_file("gallery.pgs"), master()->Codec()); #endif
Now, if the first code set is run, I get the order I mentioned in the original post. However if the second piece of code is run, the order is the one I originally coded for, i.e:
What on earth might this be? In both cases this method is called during either create() or in _decode_value of Gallery:
void show() { gl = GTK.GladeXML(); gl->new("pgallery.glade", "w_gallery"); gl->signal_autoconnect(signals(), gl); }
Why oh why does signal_autoconnect give me random callback methods?! Hmm.
Ah! I thin I know why - there's a new flag that changes the order. This flag is not initialized in the glade auto connect method. Doh!
/ David Hedbor