I also think we should focus 7.4 first and put it in subversion later. Regarding the cvs browser, I won't get it svn-ready until the release. A pike with svn bindings @ pelix would probably get the code librarian svn support there quicker, though. :-) Especially after it has the fs API. IIRC the RA API could be fun too, but it's possible I would have to run the indexer locally at all times anyway, unless the svn guys thought about that use case.
/ Johan Sundström (nu även i Gottfridsberg!)
Previous text:
2002-09-08 16:53: Subject: Plan
I prefer if we wait with moving to subversion until CL, Xenofarm (and more?) is svn-enabled. It is not an answer to your question, but I don't think we'll manage to be ready in just one more week. I prefer focusing on Pike.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)