On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 09:15:36AM -0400, H. William Welliver III wrote:
Alternately, if anyone out there works for a company that would be willing to "sponsor" a conference by letting us use their wi-fi enabled conference room, that would work as well, I think. Our "ideal" conference usually starts on a friday and runs through the weekend.
the last two conferences were more like 5 days. and i'd like to spend more time actually working on code and a 7.8 release. like an extended international version of that last meeting over kladdkaka.
that's not for everyone of course, but it's not like we are drawing a crowd, so we might as well do things to move pike forward instead of trying to attract a lot of pike users. (not that i am against attracting pike users, only suggesting that the conference might not necesarily be the venue for it)
greetings, martin.