It was written by me and I have no objections to relicense it under LGPL/MPL in addition to GPL. Hereby I state that I agree to it without any objections :)
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
Previous text:
2002-10-01 17:53: Subject: Re: Pike C Module documentation
I take it you have no objections on donating the module to Pike, and releasing it under LGPL and MPL, then?
All modules in pexts are GPL. I see no objections to add them to mainstream pike :)
And all of Pike is released under GPL, LGPL *and* MPL, which also means that unless donated code is bound by GPL and the owner does not hold the copyrights for the code, we can not accept it into Pike, the way I understand it (since the GPL does not mandate anyone to release the same code under a different license besides the GPL, unless this person also holds the full rights to do as he wants with the code).
(As far as I could see, the bzip2 glue was written by grendel and/or david, and if both agree about donating it to Pike we have no problem there, of course.)
/ Johan Sundström (ska bli kalif i stället för kalifen)