I wasn't suggesting you need to use full-blown NeXTStep, only that it provided a makefile from which you may be able to glean the details for making the shared code component of the framework on non- Darwin platforms (the rest is just copying files into the framework directory structure.
You have to use libobjc, because that gets you basic support for the objective c syntax (though the fact that the GNU runtume is slightly different may be the problem here), and you need Foundation because it provides the basic object infrastructure (NSObject, NSBundle, etc). Trust me, everyone using objective c is using Foundation... they're not skipping it to roll their own NSObject classes. I have no idea why libobjc and libFoundation conflict, though. Perhaps because they're mismatched on your system?
On Oct 8, 2007, at 6:10 AM, Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Yes. I only want to call Pike from objc. I don't particularly want to use NextStep or anything like that.