Adding charset decoding to MIME.Message sounds good to me, perhaps with a flag to enable it on decoding? (A compat problem I can think of is that applications may assume that decoded data is 8bit strings and fail to apply proper encoding before writing to file, causing an exception.)
28 okt. 2016 kl. 17:20 skrev Chris Angelico
Currently, Pike's MIME.Message parser doesn't handle non-ASCII headers with specified encodings:
MIME.Message("Hello, world!", (["Subject": "Hello, \U0001F310"]));
(10) Result: Message(([ ]))
(11) Result: "Subject: Hello, \U0001f310\r\n" "Content-Length: 13\r\n" "\r\n" "Hello, world!"
Going the other way:
MIME.Message("Subject: =?UTF-8?B?SGVsbG8sIPCfjJA=?=\r\n\r\nHello, world!");
(13) Result: Message(([ ]))
(14) Result: ([ /* 1 element */ "subject": "=?UTF-8?B?SGVsbG8sIPCfjJA=?=" ])
I'm currently working with IMAP and RFC[2]822 messages. I could either implement RFC 2047 parsing in my app, or enhance MIME.Message to return Unicode strings automatically.
Would this functionality be welcomed in trunk?