Yes, and the check was added to find that exact use.
/ Henrik Grubbström (Lysator)
Previous text:
2003-03-19 14:04: Subject: I/O callbacks in blocking mode
When I try to connect to Roxen WebServer 3.3.74-cvs running Pike 7.4.13 I get
Read callback called on blocking socket! /usr/local/pike/7.4.13/lib/modules/Stdio.pmod/module.pmod (version 1.163):677: Stdio.File("socket", " 1522", 777 /* fd=20 */)->__stdio_read_callback() module.c:58()->Builtin()->Backend: module.c:58()->Builtin()->__backend->`()(3600.000000)
/ Martin Nilsson (har bott i google)