Does the current export at srb's server correctly represent the 7.4/7.5/7.6/etc branches? I haven't been able to go back to e.g. the 7.6/7.7 split. Thought it would be possible using gitk.
I guess a good start for a git export would be your svn export where you've sorted all that out. Just using git instead wouldn't magically make all those issues dissappear, would it?
I think that, depending on how the git import script works, some issues might actually disappear "magically". But there are others that won't. For example the fact that split points are not associated with a CVS commit, so you have to fake one (something that the current git import apparently doesn't).
Importing from the svn export should work, I expect it's mainly a question of defining how repository paths should be mapped to git branches. (Are git branch names version controlled? In the svn export the main development branch is renamed 0.5->0.6->0.7->7.0->7.1->7.3->7.5->7.7 at apropriate times.)