Don't get me wrong here. If you like to have e-mails, you may. I'm merely pointing out an alternative which does the pulling part for you. I don't like the push-method, but as you pointed out, I don't have to use it.. ;)
There is some people that like email, other that like using their navigator to look at a website to see changes, other that like RSS...
David's proposition is not mandatory, if you don't like mail, then don't subscribe the mailing list.... that's simple.
But if a mailing list is made you :
- subscribe on it - subscribe on it with disgest mode - not subscribe on it
It is end user's problems.
I don't see why commits log cannot be sent by mail as well than other way of getting it.
On other hand, the cvssync from sourceforge is stable (very stable I can say) and *fast* to install. It is just an very easy administrator task and can be done in 5 minutes.
Yes we can reinvent another one that does RSS, but I think it is mutch faster than reinvent the wheel... and can the pike community afford the price to make a "cvssync that rocks and make everything people like." ?
Just make add cvssync, make a mailing list if you like (or tell us, the caudium group to make it if you don't want to waste time to make the mailing list) and make announce on pike-devel and pike mailing list.
This should be a small thing to do, but the biggest one that the pike community have made for external developpers.
Sincerly, /Xavier
-- Xavier Beaudouin - Unix System Administrator & Projects Leader. President of Kazar Organization : Please visit, home of Caudium & Camas projects