On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 12:35:03AM +0200, Johan Sundström (folkskådare) @ Pike (-) developers forum scribbled:
We have sort of ended up in a feedback loop of bad vibes, here. Last time ipv6 was hacked at, we ended up nowhere, probably as a result of lack of communication. We don't have the logs to prove what went wrong how, but let's try again, pursue whatever problems show up in pikefarm and see where it gets us.
I can't agree with you more, Johan, but it's so fucking hard (pardon my french) to communicate with some folks around here in simple matters, that it's pretty much discouraging. Yelling, whining and bitching about as simple a matter as adding a few stupid tests to configure to HELP somebody damn it! Seeing response like that it just makes you wanna puke and go elsewhere. Last time it was like that: "The code doesn't compile on Windows, it fails even to configure. It was removed. Fix it and we'll accept it." And that's fucking it - now the history is repeating. Some people over here are so dense than even concrete is as soft as clay compared to them. Granted, what I do or did is nothing compared to most of the people around here, but another sure thing is that the community doesn't encourage external contributions. Take the fork() flamewar sometime ago - it was a huge waste of time and it was enough to post an explanation like the one Mirar posted to pike@roxen.com (I think) two or three weeks ago - several sentences, concise, precise. Sufficient. And what happens now? Nilsson butts in and plays a teacher preaching what and how should be done, then Agehall joins him to sing unisono - too bad their posts contribute nothing substantial but whitenoise and fuel for flames. Maybe it's time to create a mailing list for them? pike-bitchers@pike.ida.liu.se would sound quite cool - and you can count on me joining it. After all, I love flamewars.
p.s. yes, I'm venting off and call me a flame maker if you want, I couldn't care less.