I don't know if you've done anything with this, but I would tend to not put non-includes in the include directory. lib/tools is probably a better place, from my way of thinking... it will be very nice to be able to make modules without having to keep the entire source tree around...
/ hww3
Previous text:
2002-09-09 14:04: Subject: pike -x module
In order to be able to build modules separately, a TMP_BINDIR containing the following things is required:
install_module precompile.pike smartlink fixdepends.sh mktestsuite test_pike.pike
None of these are currently installed. Should I put them in include/ like everything else, or create a new directory under libs/ (or reuse the "tools" one)? Note that smartlink is actually a binary. install_module, fixdepends.sh and mkteststure are /bin/sh scripts. precompile.pike and test_pike.pike are pike scripts and could be moved into Tools.Standalone instead.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)