Then the erroneous line shows in all checked-out revisions from 1.119 to 1.243, right?
Up to and including 1.244, yes.
Could it be that the corruption is in the base contents in the head revision?
If I check out 1.230 from 7.2 and 7.4 respectively, the diff I get is this:
--- apa Sun Aug 6 16:44:55 2006 +++ bepa Sun Aug 6 16:44:59 2006 @@ -3043,9 +3043,9 @@ push_type(T_VOID); /* not varargs */ push_type(T_MANY); function_type_max=0; - s = pop_type(); low_build_function_type(CDR(n)); push_type(T_FUNCTION); + s = pop_type(); f = CAR(n)->type?CAR(n)->type:mixed_type_string; n->type = check_call(s, f, (lex.pragmas & ID_STRICT_TYPES) &&
So it seems that the addition of pop_type() in 1.244 might be correct, but that it has been applied two lines to early. This would happen if two extra lines were added in the base contents above this section, but it doesn't explain what would in that case then happen to these lines, as 1.230 does have the correct number of lines...