Hi! I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for. We have pike@roxen.com as a mailing list of pike users, and there are at least two searchable archives of that mailing list. Perhaps you're looking for something more like a web based bulletin board, like something built with phpbb or google groups? I'm not sure that would have the desired effect, as there currently aren't nearly as many pike users as ruby users, and adding another place for them to get together would just be splitting the group up even more.
That said, it might be an interesting idea.
On Apr 2, 2006, at 3:20 PM, phoeben wrote:
glad to meet you all .I am chinese fans of pike.But there is no
bbs on the field. So many people beside me 've changed their hoby language intto ruby 'python and so on ,for there is no bbs on the pike language. I am eager to have our own bbs on disscussing the program or other things.