quote: signing the assignment does not stop you from distributing the program yourself--as long as you do so under the GNU terms
This is a bit misleading when taken out of context. The text clarifies further down that distribution under any non-free license is ok on 30 days notice. Furthermore, afaics that 30 day restriction only applies for contributions to manuals; there's no such thing in the assignment agreement for code.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-09-11 15:59: Subject: Re: IDA's policy on Pike contributions
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 03:29:05PM +0200, Alexander Demenshin wrote:
There is however nothing strange or unusual going on here, because FSF has the same solution for their contributors. The real problem here is
As I remember, they don't claim copyright on contributions. I must give away my work but I still own the copyright
this is not the case,
check here: http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain_5.html#SEC5 and here: http://korea.gnu.org/people/chsong/gd/conditions.text (this is the first copy i could find of the file conditions.text referenced above.)
if you assign the copyright, you do not get to keep it.
quote: signing the assignment does not stop you from distributing the program yourself--as long as you do so under the GNU terms
greetings, martin.
/ Brevbäraren