On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 02:24:48AM +0100, Martin B?hr wrote:
for gauge, catch and :: i wonder how would you achive their functionality in other ways?
Gauge is not really necessary, just make a wrapper around code (this is rare animal anyway).
catch (and likes) - well, quite difficult (in case if we want to keep exceptions).
:: - hmm... too fundamental, and I would extend it instead of removing (to handle namespaces if they will be implemented oney day, etc).
But concerning sscanf()... This is extremely convenient thing, why do you want to remove it? Using regexps and extraction, then type conversion is extremely slow (comparing even to decent sscanf()) - perhaps you know a better alternative? :) Just keep in mind that some apps do it very often (not only to validate user input, where performance is not so critical).
Regards, /Al