After a few weeks of messing around with libraries, I’ve got a windows build of Pike with a reasonably complete set of modules ready for testing. Please have a look and let me know if there are any problems or modules that would be advantageous to add.
Thanks in advance!
Software......Pike Version.......Pike v7.8 release 866 WWW...........
pike binary...c:\Program Files\pikeq\bin\pike.exe master.pike...: c:\Program Files\pikeq\bin/../lib/master.pike Module path...: C:/Program Files/PikeQ/lib/modules Include path..: C:/Program Files/PikeQ/lib/include Program path..:
Features......auto_bignum machine_code dynamic_modules threads out-of-band_data COM GL GTK2 Gettext Gmp Gz HTTPAccept Image.FreeType Image.GIF Image.JPEG Image.PNG Image.TIFF Image.TTF Image.XFace Java Java.NATIVE_METHODS MIME Mysql Nettle Odbc PGsql Regexp.PCRE Regexp.PCRE.Widestring SQLite Standards.JSON WhiteFish