I've been poking a bit with Nettle and the Crypto module and have made a few advancements. I could use some help though, to have the transition from Pikes crypto lib to nettle done as soon as possible. Things left to do is
- Implementing MD4 in Nettle. I made one attempt, but it needs a review. - Implementing MD2 in Nettle. - Adding MD2 glue to Pike. - Adding Arcfour glue to Pike. - Adding DES glue to Pike. - Adding DES3 glue to Pike. - Adding Blowfish glue to Pike.
All of those are fairly straight forward. The following are a bit more complicated.
- Decide if we should use a Pike implementation of HMAC or use the Nettle one (and if so write a glue). - Make a glue to the Yarrow random code. - Figure out how to make cbc mode crypto (as now?) - Decide what to do with Crypto.pipe. (Implement in Pike?) - Create compatibility functions that doesn't need the Pike C crypto lib. - Create a testsuite that tests both the new Crypto stuff and the old.