Well it is quite consistent to java. You specified Integer which is an object. In java you can't do 'Integer foo = 10' either but rather 'Integer foo = new Integer(10)'.
/ David Hedbor
Previous text:
2003-09-04 22:21: Subject: Re: arrays in Java
You're absolutely right, I just forgot that I was passing a jobject rather than the "unwrapped" object to the assignment. I'm going to update the java module to handle that case, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll forget that. :)
It does seem to be slightly inconsistent that you can pass a straight string, but not any of the other "primitive" types.
I have no idea if this is correct or not, but it's not an issue with int vs Integer and pike not converting a Pike int to Java Integer automatically? Can you create an Integer object and assign that?
/ David Hedbor
/ Brevbäraren