Um, now it seems you're talking about something else. Do you want to catch writes from pike code to a particular field so that you can update some other object with this value? That sounds like a rather strange design, but you should be able to do it by overloading the `[]= operator.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2002-09-06 20:32: Subject: Mapping a variable in an object from C
I need the original variable be affected by the changes to the other variable, in the other object. I.e. all the other objects should contain only references to the original variable, kinda shared storage. The thing is that the "inferior" object, the one which contains the aliased variable, doesn't know anything about the higher level object - thus it cannot access it directly (from Pike).
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)