Also I know for a fact how some people here are way too sensitive in how they parse things written and get very upset about it and go off on a tirade about whatever (often simply due to a misunderstanding or lack of ability to "read the emotions" of a message).
/ David Hedbor
Previous text:
2003-04-25 00:22: Subject: Re: Sad.....
I believe very few people will join the Pike community while this continues. It is simply not a fun work environment.
I totaly agree. and I'll really hope this will stop one time or... all Pike related project willdies because of lack of interrest from Pike community.
Agreeing with everything said above (also most (or all) of the specific things mentioned before in this thread) I'd also like to add something: a lot of people here are insensitive clods.
I don't really belive this, having met a few of the people in real life, but that is how they are percieved. They're interresting people, but they're sometimes bad at communicating in writing. Things come out more harsh than needed and scepticism (which is a good quality) comes too soon - in effect discouraging people who want to contribute or just throw out an idea for discussion.
/ Peter Lundqvist (disjunkt)