The best I can come up with is a variant of ? : that checks for existence instead of truth:
a[b] ?? "exists" : "does not exist"
One could extend it by making the middle expression optional. If it's left out then the value of the expression is the value of the test. E.g.
a[b] ??: "does not exist"
would either produce the result from the lookup of b in a or the string "does not exist".
But it seems a bit ad hoc to me to introduce another operator for this case, i.e. one that would either catch a very specific exception or look for the UNDEFINED value.
The Icon language has taken an interesting approach to this. It implements a sort of lightweight exceptions based on that every expression can either produce a value or fail. Such a failure is propagated much like an exception but only out of the expression. Then it simply becomes the value false for it. E.g. what in Pike would be written
mixed x; if (zero_type (x = a[b])) return -1; else return sizeof (x);
could be condensed to
return sizeof (a[b]) || -1;
If the lookup succeeds, its result would be fed to sizeof(), which always would succeed (given the type is correct). The || operator would then have a successful evaluation in its first operand and would return the its value. But if the lookup fails then sizeof() would never be called since a function with a failed argument will fail itself. || would then have failure in its first operand and continue to its second instead, and -1 would be returned.
It's apparent that this allows considerably more compact code. Many "silly" variables such as x above can be avoided. Perhaps it gets too compact; some experience is probably required to say whether programs become hard to understand or not.
See for info about Icon. The Overview page explains the idea about expression failure pretty well. Maybe it's possible to use this idea in Pike 8 or so. I suspect it'd take the language quite a bit from the current C-like operator behavior, but that's not necessarily a bad thing in my view.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-01-23 17:42: Subject: Re: zero_type() & UNDEFINED and _typeof()
I think the exception thing would work if there was some syntax sugar and a decent exception hierarchy.
try { mixed x = foo(); werror("The value is %O\n", x); } except { no_value: werror("No value\n"); }
One would also want some syntax sugar to make m[foo] | "bar" work (and do the right thing, with "bar" used iff m[foo] doesn't exist). It's hard to cook up a good syntax. Perhaps a trinary or n-ary !: could work (by a stretch analogy with trinary ?):
m[foo] ! no_value : "bar"
/ Niels Möller ()