Even pure C-modules generate .pmod files nowdays. Which is what I wrote, I think.
/ Per Hedbor ()
Previous text:
2004-01-26 21:21: Subject: Re: Pike @ Debian
On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 08:55:01PM +0100, Per Hedbor () @ Pike (-) developers forum scribbled:
How can it save space? You really _do_ need pike to compile
The autobuilders work by keeping a minimum bootstrap filesystem in a chroot or UML. When a package is requested for autobuild, the build daemon downloads all the build-time dependencies for the package. Pike pulls in quite a lot of stuff, if you install everything, around 100MB. The pike core pulls around 40MB.
pikemodules. Anything else is highly volatile, it's _extremely_ tough (although theoreticall possible) to dump .pmod files to .pmod.o without pike, but I would not attempt it (a pike module is always a .so and a .pmod nowdays, and the .pmod needs to be dumped).
Neither caudium nor php4 need to dump anything. All they have is pure C code that needs nothing else but the pike C header files. In that light, downloading the whole interpreter just isn't necessary. Besides, I could never figure out how to (correctly) dump pike .pmod and .pike files outside the pike install process... So it's academical...
/ Brevbäraren