On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 07:25:01PM +0100, Henrik Grubbström (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
UTF8-encoding something twice doesn't hurt; just UTF8-decode twice, and you're back where you started.
1) it expands string length;
2) I need to take this into account when I use data outside Pike application, which is not always possible (db is accessed not only from Pike).
3) sqlite won't be able to compare strings using collation sequences, since twice-encoded UTF8 strings won't produce correct Unicode characters.
I don't use Pike for writing mud-clients or servers for small community. I use it for real-life applications, where interoperability is a must. If this (interoperability) is not something that worries Pike team - OK, just let me know, but please, don't try to tell me that I do something wrong just because I do it not like others do :)
Regards, /Al