Bill Welliver writes:
I put together a glue to the Pluggable Authentication Modules framework over the weekend. I've made it available to anyone who'd like to test it at the following address:
Has anybody looked at the 'Pluggable Non Interactive Authentication Modules' at (web page seems not to respond now, but it's in google's cache). It's on my TODO-list, but I haven't gotten around to it, so it would be nice to hear if anybody else has looked at it.
(For reference, I'll state that I don't like PAM at all. It sounds like it might be a good idea, but the interface sucks, and the implementation seems to add enough complexity and bugs to a system to make it a bad idea to use. And even when it works asa advertised, it's mostly useless for any authentication mechanism fancier than a password written on the local console. This is however not the right place to debate these points, so I just refer to the old discussion around