It looks likes things are getting a bit complicated. You should include module_magic after all pike includes, before the code and outside of any ifdefs. This will cause problems over and over again, just like the
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Previous text:
2002-09-25 16:27: Subject: COFF...
No, but they should include it anyway
A) for symmetry reasons B) so that they can be compiled as dynamic modules if you want to
Also consider that new modules are often made by using an old module as a template, and a static module could be used as a template for a dynamic module. Having the module_magic in place makes this less error-prone.
Including module_magic in a static module doesn't hurt, since there's an #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODULE in it.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)