I think we have an interesting resolver problem:
| Pike v7.5 release 15 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend) | > Protocols.Bittorrent.Port; | ...Torrent.pike:377:Too many arguments to clone call. | ...Torrent.pike:377:Expected: function( : object(is 65691)) | ...Torrent.pike:377:Got : function(object(implements 65692) : void | mixed) | ...Torrent.pike:517:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:654:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:868:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:906:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:914:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:917:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:985:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:1060:Class definition failed. | ...Torrent.pike:1070:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Torrent.pike:1123:Must return a value for a non-void function. | ...Port.pike:6:Error looking up 'Torrent' in module '.'. | ...Port.pike:27:Must return a value for a non-void function. | Compiler Error: 1:Error looking up 'Port' in module 'Bittorrent'.
| Pike v7.5 release 15 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend) | > Protocols.Bittorrent.Torrent; | (1) Result: Protocols.Bittorrent.Torrent | > Protocols.Bittorrent.Port; | (2) Result: Protocols.Bittorrent.Port
Any clues how to fix that?