I can confirm that this alpha builds on OSX-Intel 10.5; though I already had gmp and nettle installed, so it's not testing the bundles (I believe there was something I had to do to the gmp build to get it to compile, similar to the problems Jonas had).
I did notice the following problems while running pike -x module:
1. include/pike/precompile.sh is not installed with correct permission. I'm not sure if the installer script should handle that or if it's some other problem.
2. precompile.sh is still using include/pike/precompile.pike, which contains an invalid inherit.
3. Verify fails because:
/Users/hww3/Downloads/Pike-v7.8.8/build/darwin-9.2.1-i386/pike - DNOT_INSTALLED -DPRECOMPILED_SEARCH_MORE -m/Users/hww3/Downloads/Pike- v7.8.8/build/darwin-9.2.1-i386/master.pike -Mplib/modules /usr/local/ pike/7.8.8/include/pike/test_pike.pike testsuite
Note the location of the pike binary and master are the pike build location that I previously removed, while the script itself is being run from the correct (installed) location.
This functionality worked formerly; since these regressions seem to be recent, I'm hesitant to do something about them myself, as there was a good bit of work done. Anyone else want to claim them?
On Aug 13, 2008, at 7:25 PM, Peter Bortas @ Pike developers forum wrote:
7.8 alpha 2 is avilable as
It's not a beta because the changelog isn't complete. Other than that I know of no release blockers.