IMHO, it is not a good idea to support outdated and rare platforms which are in use by two or three individuals on the planet... But of course it is cool to say that Pike supports 50+ platforms (instead of pulling out support for something that is obsoleted or extremely rare).
Last time I checked win32 was neiter obsoleted, nor extremly rare.
- it is NOT embeddable.... (so we can't make a mod_pike for apache).
And it will never be, I believe. At least it will not be done by the Pike team.
Interesting notion. It contradicts what jhs said in this forum just a few weeks ago.
/ Peter Bortas
Previous text:
2003-04-24 22:24: Subject: Re: Sad.....
On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 09:31:39PM +0200, Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
Why we can't promote Pike ?
- sometimes compatibilty is not really compatibility
IMHO, it is not a good idea to support outdated and rare platforms which are in use by two or three individuals on the planet... But of course it is cool to say that Pike supports 50+ platforms (instead of pulling out support for something that is obsoleted or extremely rare).
- it is NOT embeddable.... (so we can't make a mod_pike for apache).
And it will never be, I believe. At least it will not be done by the Pike team. Why? "Nobody needs it" and "It is more simple to embed Apache into Pike", or even - "Why one needs Apache when there is Roxen?" :)
You can say it is sad, but when I send messages to pike devel ml some of them are thrashed, others are ignored or flammed.
I agree. It happens too often. The main problem of Pike team is - what they don't need is not going into Pike. A lot of excuses given, including "lack of documentation" or "lack of portability" (depsite the fact that some parts of core is not well documented, and some parts of core are extremely ineffective).
This is something that usually called "Not invented here" syndrome. Sad, but this is true.
Actually, what you say - are my thoughs, but it was so obvious that I didn't bother to share my opinion with someone. Especially after last experience (related to SSL stuff - I asked a question and it was completely ignored, despite that it is a serious flaw).
What I do here then? I read. I want to be "in touch" - just in case. Perhaps, one day the Pike team will change their attitude...
Regards, /Al
/ Brevbäraren