Those are run-time checks.
/ Peter Bortas
Previous text:
2003-02-12 18:22: Subject: Search bug ?
I used "must", because I think it is insane to get a compilation error just because I search an array for some object that doesn't occur there.
Say I have a lyskom module, that let me set KOMNAME or KOMNUMBER in the environment.
string|int me;
void create() { me = getenv("KOMNAME") || (int) getenv("KOMNUMBER"); }
A program could use it like
if ( == 5) werror("Welcome ceder\n");
if (search( ({ 5, 17, 4711 }), >= 0) ...;
But running that program would result in a compilation error if KOMNAME=nisse?
/ Niels Möller ()