If we put some libraries in e.g. ./bundle then the configure/Makefile in that directory could just decide to build its children if no system counterpart was found. Perhaps that can be made general and abstract enough so that one can just drop in libraries with minimal extra configurations. But perhaps that would be too good to hope for...
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
2004-02-18 13:15: Subject: Crypto
Well, the parts of nettle that are used by the pike glue doesn't depend on Gmp. As far as I know.
About this bundling stuff, where should the source for the nettle and gmp libraries live in a pike dist? Pike-v47.11/gmp and Pike-v47.11/nettle seem reasonable. This is if we want fix places, otherwise Pike-v47.11/nettle-1.9 might be better.
Then next question is if and when to build them. There should be some rules in the top-level Makefile I guess, but it seems a little ugly to have src/configure invoke "make -f ../Makefile gmp".
/ Niels Möller (vässar rödpennan)