That might be enough to compile Pike.
/ Peter Bortas (Kein Paket!)
Previous text:
2004-04-18 23:36: Subject: Free Optimizing C++ Compiler from Microsoft
Department: look-it-in-the-teeth Topic: Programming Author: michael Time: Sun Apr 18 15:26:00 2004 CEST
from the look-it-in-the-teeth dept. [1]FortranDragon writes "Microsoft has made the command line toolkit for Visual C++ available for a [2]free download. You can use the toolkit to build applications and redistribute them if you want (though you should read the EULA for the details, as always). This is a nice boon for those that have to deal with cross-platform compatibility, especially since Microsoft has tried to make Visual C++ more conformant to the ISO C++ standard. Go forth and compile your favorite OSS or FS programs today. ;-)"
- FortranDragon
- free download
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