Have you taken a look at my tests that I presented in my weblog (eg. http://pike.ida.liu.se/development/team/weblog/nilsson/index.xml?date=200211... I've considered making a program that calculates the O for the tests so that you can make an overall linear runtime scaling.
/ Martin Nilsson (hehe Torgny)
Previous text:
2002-12-06 18:27: Subject: speed
Anyway, I checked in the performance tests now. They reside in Tools.Shoot:
| % pike --shoot | test total user mem (runs) | Pike start overhead........ 0.033s 0.000s 3240kb (25) | Ackermann.................. 0.724s 0.649s 3440kb (7) | Array & String Juggling.... 0.789s 0.720s 3488kb (7) | Compile.................... 1.354s 1.162s 4872kb (4) | Compile & Exec............. 1.256s 1.130s 3496kb (4) | Matrix multiplication...... 0.514s 0.447s 4728kb (10) | Loops Nested............... 0.374s 0.316s 3256kb (14) | Loops Recursed............. 1.568s 1.470s 3256kb (4)
The tests are rewritten with some inspiration from the shootout. I also tuned them to be measurably slow, but not annoyingly slow.
New tests are added by adding a new <whatever>.pike in that directory, with base from Test.pike.
/ Mirar