SRCDIR is an m4 marco, so it won't get expanded inside [[]].
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2003-04-15 15:48: Subject: Starting new pike processes from the testsuite
I'm a little confused about how SRCDIR works in the testsuite files, and also about which of the Process.*-functions I should use. I'm trying with
test_do([[ object p = Process.Process(RUNPIKE + " "SRCDIR/https.pike""); sleep(5); /* Wait a little for the server to startup */ [...]
but that fails with
Pike: Couldn't find script to execute ("/home/nisse/hack/pike/build/linux-2.4.18nisse-i686/SRCDIR/https.pike")
/ Niels Möller (ny flexiblare bröstkorg)