On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 01:15:01AM +0200, Per Hedbor () @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Consider "float q = 123456789;" or "float q=1234567898765432123456789;"
Compiler must issue warning in such cases. It must _warn_, but not _enforce_, or _at least_ it must give the developer a choice.
And if you do not want to use pike, feel free not to.
This is different. I want, because it is nice, but there are some _inconsistences_, obvious but denied by the team.
Concering float, again:
2 == 2.0;
(1) Result: 0
2 < 4.0;
(2) Result: 1
2.0 < 4;
(3) Result: 1
There is _no logic_ behind this behavior (unless one care to read all our discussions concerning this topic, and learn that there are several zeros in Pike, etc).
That's why I dislike what is going on. Not the language by itself. May be I was too hard in my wording, but I am just tired after several years trying to do _anything_. Nothing changed - Pike team is _always_ right. At least my bug reports were accepted, that's good reason to stay alive, still... :)
It would be much better if Pike would give _a freedom_ to developers. But there is no freedom. There are rules, which are non-negotiable by definition.
Because legacy of Roxen in Pike modules is more important than something new, because there is no good regexp module, because Nettle is far better than openssl, because... you know what...
Sorry, but I am filled up with all this. I'll do what I do, what I intended to do, in Pike or whatever, but I lost my motivation to share anything that I might do... It wouldn't be accepted anyway, so who cares?
Regards, /Al