Well, just git show on them makes a fair bit of sense to begin with.
Finding the path and the right commit requires more than one git command though. I scooped up this perl script which with a little bit of hacking works well enough (I haven't bothered deciphering it to pike, obviously):
# Taken from # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/223678/git-which-commit-has-this-blob # with some changes. /mast
use 5.008; use strict; use Memoize;
if (not @ARGV) { die <<END usage: git-find-blob <hash>/<file> [<git-log arguments ...>]
Lists the commits containing a given blob hash, as shown by e.g. $Id: xxxx $ when the "ident" git attribute is enabled.
Note that specifying just a blob hash will likely return a long list of all commits where it has remained unchanged. You are probably most interested in the oldest commit, where it was introduced. For a large repository the search can take a long time, so a good idea is to combine the hash with the path, e.g:
> git-find-blob 43a0b2 path/to/file.txt
This would typically be quick and return the single commit you want. END }
my $obj_name = shift;
if (stat($obj_name)) { open(F, '-|', 'git', 'hash-object', $obj_name); chomp($obj_name = <F>); close(F); }
# FIXME: Begin by checking quickly that the hash is in the object # store at all.
my $obj_re = qr/^${obj_name}/;
sub check_tree { my ( $tree ) = @_; my @subtree;
{ open my $ls_tree, '-|', git => 'ls-tree' => $tree or die "Couldn't open pipe to git-ls-tree: $!\n";
while ( <$ls_tree> ) { /\A[0-7]{6} (\S+) (\S+)/ or die "unexpected git-ls-tree output"; return 1 if $2 =~ $obj_re; push @subtree, $2 if $1 eq 'tree'; } }
check_tree( $_ ) && return 1 for @subtree;
return; }
memoize 'check_tree';
open my $log, '-|', git => log => '--all', '--date-order', '--pretty=format:%T %h %s', @ARGV or die "Couldn't open pipe to git-log: $!\n";
while ( <$log> ) { chomp; my ( $tree, $commit, $subject ) = split " ", $_, 3; if (check_tree ($tree)) { open(F, '-|', 'git', 'name-rev', $commit); my $commit_name; chomp($commit_name = <F>); close(F); print "$commit_name $subject\n"; exit; } }