does anyone have a clue why an <if> inside the <ul> block on /download/index.xml never shows?
<if variable='var.winstable'>works as expected</if> <ul> <li><a href="/download/pub/pike/latest-stable/"> <b>Latest stable binary version</b> (&var.stable;)</a><br/> Binaries for the most recent release are made available as we manage to produce and quality control them. Usually made for at least Linux x86, Linux ppc and Solaris sparc. For more info, read the <a href="notes/&var.stable;.xml">release notes</a>.</li> <if variable='var.winstable'>this if seems never true</if> </ul>
if that would work then the simple existance of /download/currentwinstable.txt could determine wether a seperate "windows" paragraph is visible or not
greetings, martin.