Recent changes to how the testsuite is run makes error messages from expected failures to be printed out. That is not helpful.
Also, we've gone from 0 to 42 failing tests.
Also fixed. I was considering making Parser.HTML be a real html5 parser, by the way, but then I read it. :)
It would probably be better to start at least the actual parser/tokenizer from scratch.
Anyway, the reason for the changes in Parser.HTML was that it was actually fairly frequent to omit the space between arguments.
That is, this is perfectly valid HTML:
<a id='id'style='foo'href=''>
and for some reason as an example yandex felt like it was a good idea (in reality the string inside the quotes contained spaces and such, so the quote there was needed, removing the space after the argument then saved a byte on the size of the html file. I guess they are using a html optimizer that)