On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 10:05:00AM +0000, Henrik Grubbström (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
i found all of these in language.yacc, and i hope the list is complete.
A better place to look is lexer.h.
would not have gained much. language.yacc has them in groups which gave me the idea to sort the words by type.
You've missed facet.
i looked at the 7.6 source. btw. i need to write up my criticism of facets some time...
nomask makes the symbol not overloadable.
how is that different from final?
extern makes a prototype for a variable (not implemented yet).
does that relate to shared? speaking of which, is shared going to be added to 7.7?
optional makes the symbol optional in the type for the surrounding class.
what does that mean? can i redeclare the symbol with a different type?
greetings, martin.